Child Mind Institute

Healthy Minds,
Thriving Kids

Kids and teens in California are struggling with many changes brought on by the pandemic crisis. Uncertainty and disruption of routines. Depression and isolation. Trauma and grief. Anxiety on returning to “normal.” The lingering impact on children’s mental health is a continued barrier to success in and after school.

In response, the Child Mind Institute produced a series of 34 videos in English and Spanish, designed to equip parents and educators with the knowledge and tools needed to promote mental health and wellness for the children in their lives.

Child Mind clinicians developed a curriculum for the entire program, including parents, teachers, middle and high school students. The program aimed at overcoming barriers to mental health care, providing free resources when traditional therapy might not be as accessible or feasible.

Since launch, the CMI program has reached over 54k Californian educators, and over 373k people have visited the content portal. The work was featured in The Today Show, NBC News, and shared widely on social media. The program has helped countless kids get on track to a healthy mind and a thriving life.

Child Mind Institute Case Study